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New reporting tool tells Water For People’s story, making metrics from worldwide humanitarian efforts understandable.
Committed to providing sustainable water and sanitation access for “Everyone Forever,” Water For People’s mission is simple. The non-profit’s data reporting tool, however, was not. With data from thirty regional districts across nine different countries, Water For People needed a tool that demonstrates their humanitarian efforts in an easy-to-understand and meaningful way. So, the company enlisted EffectiveUI to create the solution.
From the beginning of the design process, the EffectiveUI UX team focused on clear data publishing and a stunning design. They worked to provide a cohesive information architecture and interaction model that would provide users with a guided experience through Water for People's extensive data. Maintaining a user-centered approach, EffectiveUI aimed to easily tell Water For People’s story to donors and partners, while providing workers in the field with necessary metrics to make critical decisions. At the onset of the project, the UX team conducted research activities and workshops to determine user needs. After these research efforts, the team then sketched, prototyped and developed the tool.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
Water For People’s Reporting Tool Redesign is worthy of a UX award due to its user-centric approach. Every design consideration and the impetus behind the entire project centered on making Water For People’s tremendous amount of data easily digestible for various audiences. A unique digital platform, the reporting tool provides an exceptional experience for donors, partners and workers in the field to understand metrics from worldwide humanitarian efforts and to share the Water For People story. At it's heart, this project defines the idea of excellent UX in that it takes a complex problem - a daunting amount of data - and solves that complex problem to create an exceptional experience for those using the data.
- Submitted By: EffectiveUI
- Client Name: Water for People
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