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A complete redesign of the leading Tel-Avivian blog called maVeze aimed for Generation Y users.
The redesign of MaVeZe was aimed to create a new place to be, read and write, for the amazing colorful Tel-Avivian blogging scene. Creating a blog and media website for generation Y have made us look for new ways and approaches to communicate with this tough crowd. In the creative path we've been through we reset the way content should be created, we implemented a horizontal navigation model and found a way to make it fit and even support the business model. We found new ways for bloggers to create and pass what they have to say and for readers to absorb and provide feedback, breaking the walls between a blogger and his readers. Changing the rules was the right approach when dealing with generation Y and we were happy to see the immediate impact on the audience and market.
- Live Project Link: http://www.maveze.co.il
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
Generation Y is one of the hardest target audiences to crack. Not many projects and case studies of UX research and redesign works for the target audience are out there. This intriguing target audience made us find extreme creative ways to deal with its lack of focus, time and patience and find new ways to show, talk and advertise, both on desktop and mobile. The redesign of maVeze has created a revolution, as the website is now perceived as a pioneer in the field; it is the first and only horizontal content website in Israel. It created such a buzz in Israel, and it wasn’t long before the results proved to be amazing. The redesigned website has been driving an outstanding growth in traffic, engagement and conversion parameters.
- Submitted By: UXVision
- Client Name: MaVeZe
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