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The Cato Management Application redefines the way enterprises are managing their networks and security
Cato Networks provides a cloud-based and secure global SD-WAN. Cato was founded by network security innovators and thought leaders: our CEO, Shlomo Kramer (co-founder of Checkpoint Software and later Imperva) with our CTO, Gur Shatz (founder of Incapsula).
The cloud-based Cato Management Application enables our customers to quickly troubleshoot any network or security incidents and configure all network access and security policies. Customers get an end to end visibility on the network usage by user and application, identify resource abuse, and behaviors that can put the network at risk. Our customers are enterprises with multiple locations (sites, hybrid datacenters, and mobile users) from all sizes.
The Cato Management Application was designed to simplify the way companies manage their network and security policies. From the start, we looked at our customers’ requirements, the persona who will be using the system, best practices, and other products in the field and implemented a simpler, intuitive, and effective applications. People on our team have vast experience in building enterprise grade and complex products, with the Cato Management Application, we decided not to do what other similar products do, and build a completely new user experience that allows anyone (experienced or not) to manage a complex enterprise network and security environment.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
The Cato platform converges many point solution most companies traditionally use (access and security to sites, cloud, and mobile). Converging and simplifying the tools and processes they were used to while providing superior experience was not easy to do. One example of what we do is how our customers define their policy, instead of creating 10’s of complex rules, with Cato they are able to reduce that to just a few simple ones. One of our customers recently told us after replacing 3 different products (from 3 different vendors) that “your system is too simple to use, the 4 people working for me now have too much of a free time”. Another customer initially came to us asking for a managed services (to run and manage the network for him), but after seeing the system and playing with it, he realized such service is not required and his existing team can do it in-house.
- Submitted By: Cato Networks
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