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Challenger bank design concept by UXDA reinvents mobile banking user experience for millennials based on emerging tech trends.
The main aim of UXDA’s future bank design concept is to share financial and future banking trends in UX design to inspire financial industry professionals for driving innovation. UXDA mobile-only banking shows the way to provide an outstanding financial experience by delivering all possible digital banking services using UX design process.
The challenger bank of the future must become a personalized financial assistant and advisor. The technology of full banking automatization, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics will lead the financial industry to a new level in the near future. It will step out of a traditional bank interface.
Future challenger banks should be open for integration with third-party services. In fact, they will use the external infrastructure for processing payments and other financial services. Such an online banking platform needs to combine financial and complementary services.
Secure exchange of user data via blockchain, automated scoring using big data and social networks. As well as the banking AI predictive analytics will allow to generate a personalized proposal even before the user requests it. So, users only have to choose the proper proposal that fits his/her needs and tap the button.
Only through understanding humans and enchanting digital user experience, it is possible to bring finances closer to humans and make them adapt, not other way around. By improving digital user experience it is also possible to improve customer short term and long term financial situation.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
Historically banking system forced us to adjust to it. As a result, many of us don’t like banks, because we don’t understand them. Now we use digital technology, that can reinvent financial system and adjust it for human nature.
This concept started from a challenge to architect mobile-only banking solution that reinvents financial experience by matching traditional banking services with emerging tech trends. Something that everyone is talking about, but nobody has seen in one app. An app that can be clear, intuitive and delightful.
Bank user needs to know the overall financial status of his family members to effectively manage finance. It would also be helpful to know friends’ financial behaviours to get some useful insights. And, finally, we want our bank to serve us, to answer questions, suggest best solutions, track our situation and advise us how to manage our money. All of this could be really helpful in our financial life.
The most important things in UX engineering stage are - to identify primary user scenarios, analyze and determine key functionality, create information architecture and explore trending technologies to provide the most simple and clear solution for the user’s financial journey.
We are very satisfied with the result because this concept has been highly evaluated by many well-known persons in the financial industry. More than 50 000 financial professionals around the globe discovered this UX concept and a lot of positive feedback from financial leaders was received:
“ I loved seeing under a unified UX a lot of what is already appearing throughout different providers (banks, neo-banks, fintechs, ...). I especially loved the “cards” interaction, timeline and swipe functionality. A comprehensive and clean UI, kudos! “
Gibran Armijo, Product Manager at Fidor“Banking as you’ve always dreamed about.”
Carlos Nuno Rio, Head of Compliance EMEA at Royal Bank of Scotland - Submitted By: UX Design Agency
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