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Global experience beautifully demonstrating breadth and depth of a 127-year-old industrial and process manufacturing company
"Emerson sought to boldly transform itself to create value for its customers and shareholders. With a newly energized focus on two core business platforms — Automation Solutions and Commercial & Residential Solutions — the company can now confront the challenges of an increasingly complex and unpredictable marketplace from a position of strength. This change allows Emerson to drive both near- and long-term value, and retain its single-trusted-partner status with the process, industrial, commercial and residential industries.
Following the design process outlined above, we embarked on a global discovery effort to understand user needs across the nearly 100 Brands within Emerson. We identified 8 user groups of the experience that we needed to support. Robust personas and their corresponding user journeys were thoroughly mapped and validated with end users as part of the Discovery process.
We evaluated 18 competitors to identify areas of opportunity for Emerson to pursue. We also looked outside the category for inspiration on a streamlined commerce experience, like Apple and Amazon provide and a robust user community like Nike. We also looked at existing analytics to understand how the current digital experiences were being used to ensure we “did no harm” as we consolidated the 27 websites into a single experience. From this Discovery, we created an Opportunity Assessment that mapped out 8 areas to pursue over the next 18 months and visualized it in a prototype – all focused on making Emerson easier to do business with online.
Once the future was defined, we used an agile design process to bring the experience to life and the site went live in October 2016
Results: There has been a 145% increase in return site visits accompanied by increased engagement with the site content since the site launched. 370% increase in cross-business unit navigation demonstrating that customers are exploring other parts of the Emerson portfolio. Organic search traffic increa
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
"Success in our world today is often determined by how well you communicate and work with others. Whether in US politics, global religious relationships or living with your spouse – our ability to partner and work with people we aren’t accustomed to collaborating with is paramount.
In the One Emerson global website redesign project, the disparate brands of Emerson had to work together to create a single taxonomy, by which all of their products could live harmoniously. The Digitas Experience Design team brokered these discussions in what we found as the largest site taxonomy we ever developed to support over 1,150,000 unique SKUs across 15 industries.
The Future of UX is beyond design – sometimes the design is the easy part – the future of UX is training our practitioners with the skills and fostering the temperament to be able to bring global teams together to accomplish a common goal. Teams who have no historical experience (or interest) working together. Teams who are measured and incented differently within their own walls. Teams who have more allegiance to their sub-brands than their parent brand under which they are being told to consolidate.
While customer engagement and business performance has skyrocketed since the launch of this new experience, the true indicator of success to this agency partner is that these global teams now work together more frequently, collaboratively and seamlessly and support each other in common goals"
- Submitted By: DigitasLBi
- Client Name: Emerson Electric Co.
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