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Make a successful customer meeting with just 5-second interaction on your wrist
Sales representative are always busy with managing customer meetings and they get frustrated in finding right information from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data and their calendar at the right time. SAP Perfect Meeting for CRM is a customer meeting management tool on Apple watch and sales reps can quickly anticipate customers’ business needs by checking real time updates on the meeting overview and customer information.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
Our challenge was to deeply understand end users, to find a critical moment in their life to help their business and to provide with timely and useful information from different internal and external data sources.
From the interviews with end users, we found a gap between how they work with current CRM system and what they want it to be. For example, a sales representative wants to see recent deals, company headlines and stock info during a meeting with customer. But looking for information on your laptop or smartphone is not a polite way to do it. Smart watch has a great opportunity to connect the broken user scenario.
When a sales rep has a meeting with customer and he can check a quick snapshot of customer information such as customer’s financial status, open deals, sales history on his Apple watch. And during the meeting, he can see participants information, meeting brief he already generated not to forget the talking points. Also he gets a notification for the next meeting with different customer. So he can leave earlier if there is terrible traffic or stay longer with current customer if he has enough time to be on next customer meeting.
- Submitted By: SAP Design & Co-innovation Center
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