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New way for freelancers to manage their projects' deadlines. No more todo lists / calender / big softwares. Just a simple date oriented list
My name is Liat Zeldes and I'm an interactive designer.
As a freelancer designer - I have many projects and many deadlines to manage.
When I'm working on several projects I have several deadlines and in order to decide which one is more important now I need to look through my calendar and find the closest deadline.
So I made an app that will help me do that. No more searching on the calendar, or too simple todo lists. This app gathers all the projects and their deadlines in one place, and gives a quick understanding of what's more important right now. The user can see a list of all his projects, each one with its current deadline. The order of the list will be according to the dates of the deadlines.. The user can get a quick look at what's coming next in each project by swiping to the side. When he presses on a deadline and mark it as done the next deadline will swipe in and the list of projects will change.
http://www.nextdeadline.com/- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
It's a simple tool that helps freelancers.
Today the time management solutions are too complicated for a small business. But the simple solutions are too simple.
This tool made especially for a small business. - Submitted By: Liat Zeldes
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