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We believe everyone deserves a meaningful connection with a live person. We aim to change the way brands and consumers communicate.
The world is a very connected place. Thanks to innovations in mobile and social, we feel connected to our friends and family like never before. Yet, when it comes to brands, we’ve never been more disconnected.
Most of the time, we have to dial a 1-800 number, navigate an automated system, and wait for endless minutes on hold.
Our vision is to disrupt the status quo for how brands and consumers connect through messaging, so the brand can be in the consumer’s pocket at all times.
We believe everyone deserves a meaningful connection with a live person. But we can’t do it alone. We’re looking for people to help us end the 800 number and create a world where we hold no more.Our Mission: We Create Meaningful Connections.
We believe that every interaction—be it between employees, clients, consumers, or the community—is an opportunity to achieve great things. We believe that connection is the foundation for trust, innovation and ultimately, success. It begins in our workplace, where we seek to connect with each other on more than just a professional level. We are compelled by our collective mission of connecting brands and their customers, giving them the service experience they deserve.What is LivePerson?
LivePerson’s leading platform, LiveEngage, enables thousands of brands around the world to connect with consumers through online and mobile messaging. LiveEngage offers unparalleled security and scalability, enabling brands to proactively connect and stay connected with their customers, driving greater sales and brand loyalty.- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
LivePerson has been working for over two years to revolutionize the way brands connect with consumers. A huge effort has been made to build a platform that will reflect the changes that this type of engagement needs. Thousands of UX and UI screens have been made along the way until we felt our solution is ready to be delivered. Although this is an ongoing effort, we are now at a stage where we are very excited to offer this exceptional solution to our customers and we are proud to still be the industry leaders in the area of connecting brands and consumers.
This unique solution required a vast effort and unique skills in the UX area. We intensively had to search, invent, test and continuously think out of the box until we felt comfortable with our product. We have showed ourselves, our clients and consumers wherever they are, that it has been worthwhile and that we are proud to lead the connection revolution that is growing every day all around us.
- Submitted By: LivePerson
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