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A detailed UX approach, to solve numerous user pain points during a condo purchase experience
Our client is one of the largest real estate developers in the Philippines. We were called to pitch the SEO of their website. After careful analysis, we concluded that yes, SEO was indeed a problem, but it wasn't THE problem. We went back to them with user research and usability test data to prove to them that the SEO is merely a catalyst, it help bring traffic, not necessarily leads. Our pitch won the contract, and we delved further into how we can overhaul the website and fix the SEO at the same time to create a solid user experience, geared around giving users all of the tools and information they need to buy a condo, in an elegant interface.
- Live Project Link: http://www.vistaresidences.com.ph/
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
UXMNL envisions a society that believes & acts to achieve better user experiences in products & services. With so many flawed experiences, online and offline, this website is a stepping-stone in our quest to evangelize & inspire a User centred design culture in the Philippines. The research process we adopted for this project unearthed numerous pain points for the user. Our solution takes all of them into account, and provides a single user flow that balances the users goals with the business goal of gathering more quality leads online. Thank you for considering us for an UXie!
- Submitted By: UXMNL
- Client Name: Vista Residences
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