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Social weather app using crowd-sourced data to make meteorological weather forecasts more useful to individuals.
Sunnycomb combines real-time weather data and individual reports to create personalized forecasts for its users. By using thousands of daily crowd-sourced weather reports and images from all over the world, Sunnycomb is able to provide users with more reliable and up-to-date information on the weather that affects our lives. The more people that use it, the more accurate and useful it becomes for everyone. Weathernews crowd-sourced driven forecasting technology was originally developed for consumer use first in Japan, a country notorious for volatile weather. The app’s unique intelligence algorithms predict how you will feel about the weather throughout the week. The result is a personalized and social experience unlike any other weather app available today. This unconventional approach proved itself in New York after the initial release last winter, on days when the news forecasts said it would be sunny, yet individual reports from Sunnycomb users reported the actual conditions outside as snow. So far, Sunnycomb has been downloaded by users in 102 countries. We intend for the Sunnycomb community continues to grow into world’s #1 source for weather.
- Live Project Link: http://sunnycomb.com
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
Weather affects all of us. The skies above all of us are connected in the complex system surrounding our planet. Weathernews wants to make weather less threatening by taking the mystery out of meteorology without loosing any of the wonder. The Sunnycomb app project is removing geographic and language barriers to bring millions of people all over the world closer by sharing the weather in our lives. We believe it has the potential to help people around the world and enjoy their lives better through more meaningful, accurate and up-to-date forecasts, as it has already done in Japan for five million people.
- Submitted By: Weathernews Inc
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