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Nuvu is a glasses and ring interactive interface system that aides those with visual impairments.
Our group has created a wearable wireless technology for the visually impaired. Nuvu consists of a glasses and ring interface system that assists those with their daily tasks. For our project, we target the elderly who suffer from macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 65. It also forces them to rely heavily on the peripheral vision. We created a user friendly interface that is customizable for the users needs that is controlled with the use of the ring. It is formfitting to any finger and is worn on the index finger. It involves minimal moment with just the swipe or tap of the thumb over the two faces. Everything is viewed through a projection on the bottom half lens of the glasses. There is a camera on the top corner that feeds through information that allows our features to show up. These features are all programmable to the users needs and their daily routine. Notifications will appear when applicable and general information like weather/time/day and alerts can be viewed. But Nuvu has integrated features like facial recognition, magnification, walking maps can assist the disabled. The user can then go about with their day worry free of the usual dilemmas they would usually face.
- Live Project Link: n/a student project
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
Nuvu was created to better the lives of those who are visually disabled. When one of the essential five senses that allows us to gather information, sight, is hindered, we lose the confidence and safety to go about with our daily lives. We will second guess any task that must be completed. Something as ordinary as taking out the trash will require greater assistance; possibly re-considering our familiar surroundings, calculating distances and footsteps from the kitchen to the edge of the driveway. Those with a visual disability can now be aided through the use of this interactive system. Nuvu magnifies anything from the news to pill bottle prescriptions. Nuvu provides facial recognition for those who are troubled with memory problems and the loss of sight. Nuvu guides the disabled with walking maps to get things done. Nuvu betters the quality of life.
- Submitted By: Virginia Tech CAUS
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