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A Tinder-like app for recruiting, to match job-seekers and jobs.
Job or Not is an app that applies the dating metaphor in the area of recruiting - enableing recruiters and job-seekers to discover each other easily, and establish communication once there is mutual like (match) This app has 2 components – consumer-facing app (for job-seekers), and enterprise app (for managers and HR recruiters). It will be integrated with SAP’s End-to-End HCM portfolio, so that SAP customers can easily leverage this platform as an additional talent sourcing channel. To summarize, the key value propositions of the app are: - Tinder-like matching mechanism provides managers and job-seekers an easy way to connect, before the heavy official recruiting process. (For example, a job seeker doesn’t have to spend half an hour submitting his resume on a company’s career portal, and later find this company has no interest in him/her at all). - Aggregates a candidate’s online presence from linkedin, dribble, behance, github, etc., to provide a one-stop shopping experience for hiring managers - Provide rich personalization and visualization capabilities so that job seekers/managers can make the resumes/jobs stand out.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
- The whole project was initiated by designers, and then got buy-in from executive management to turn it into a real product - Strong focus on transition/animation design - Chaotic but creative design process, with quick and dirty user research with over 50 users (managers, job seekers, HR recruiters, headhunters)
- Submitted By: SAP Labs LLC
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