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UX Hires’ role is to help the CLIENT formulate a strategy for recruiting (and growing their UX practice) and screening individuals to find the right match.
It’s so hard to find great UX talent! Why? We did some good ol’ fashioned data gathering and learned: Companies don’t get how broad UX is (“are IAs and UX Designers different?”) Recruiters are great, but some don’t understand the industry (“what’s the x stand for anyway?”). UX people need help selling themselves. So we’re trying to fix this silly problem… Better “requirements gathering” from companies Better screening of candidates A Facebook-like profile page for each candidate (resumes are over-rated) A “match” dashboard And there’s more. We’re not a recruiting company. We’re just UX people applying UX to recruiting. www.uxhires.com
UX Hires’ role is to help the CLIENT formulate a strategy for recruiting (and growing their UX practice) and screening individuals to find the right match. We meet with the company. Discuss their concerns and what exactly they are looking for in an employee. We create an ideal persona page. Based off the page, we search for candidates (many of which come from our website). We review a large amount of potential candidates, speak to a chunk of them, and interview a small handful. The best two, three or four are presented to the company. They vote on each candidate. Our goal is to provide quality candidates. We think quality is much greater than quantity. The complexity is understanding exactly what companies want and based off that, finding the quality candidates to present. Our deliverables were created after numerous amount of interviews with recruiters and employees within HR departments. The profile page, ideal persona and match dashboard make the lives of companies much easier and provide something that is much more valuable and useful.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
- Submitted By: Motivate Design
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