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Face Retirement is a one-of-a-kind experience created and delivered using multiple channels and devices.
Face Retirement is a one-of-a-kind experience created and delivered using multiple channels and devices. The core is a unique web based application enabling users to take a photo of their current self, enter their current age and see their future self at the default retirement age of 67. Users can also choose to see themselves at 10-year intervals before and after age 67, explore what the world will be like when they retire and share their aged image across social channels. Starting with an insight from the Journal of Marketing Research: “…allowing people to interact with age-progressed renderings of themselves will cause them to allocate more resources to the future” Using a fun and engaging UX design, Face Retirement delivers an interactive and personalized digital retirement wakeup call. The primary goal is motivate current and potential customers to start thinking seriously about saving for tomorrow. To literally Face Retirement, with help from Merrill Edge. However, the success of the experience doesn’t just end with achieving this primary goal. It also fosters exceptionally high rates of sharing, user ratings and earned influence beyond our wildest hopes. Earned media and user-generated social content extolling the experience is radically multiplying the impact of owned channels. The major media coverage, metrics, social sharing and usability research tell the complete story - over a half million visits and conversions in the first months alone, accompanied by tweets, Facebook posts, stories on major network news shows and coverage in major national newspapers. All have combined to evolve the experience into a self-reinforcing cycle of rapidly growing awareness, participation and recommendation.
- Why this project is worthy of a UX Award:
- Submitted By: Starcom
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